Movement Improvement Massage Therapy Logo - Expertise in Deep Tissue and Strategic Massage Therapy for Chronic Pain Relief and Enhanced Physical Functionality, led by Josh Pugh, Andrea Trader, Jody Tulloch, and John Dudzic

Movement Improvement Massage

Our Patient Policies

Arrival Guidelines

Please arrive for your appointment at least 5 minutes before your scheduled start time. Our services are carefully timed to ensure you receive the full session you’ve booked, contributing to a more effective and therapeutic treatment experience. If you're late, your session may be shortened to keep on schedule. This ensures that subsequent patients also receive their full treatment without delay. We appreciate your punctuality as it helps maintain a smooth and stress-free environment for everyone.

Late Arrival Policy

To maintain fairness and consideration for all our clients, we have established the following guidelines for late arrivals: For appointments that are 45 minutes or longer, we may be able to offer a shortened session depending on how late you arrive and the availability of your therapist's schedule. This accommodation is intended to ensure that subsequent clients are not delayed and can receive their full scheduled therapy. Please note, if you arrive more than 15 minutes late without notifying us, this will be treated as a no-show. Under our no-show policy, such incidents will lead to the cancellation of all your upcoming appointments, and you will be subject to the penalties outlined in the no-show section of our policies. We strive to accommodate all our clients effectively and ask for your cooperation in ensuring timely arrivals so that everyone can benefit from their scheduled therapy.

Cancellation Policy

At Movement Improvement, we understand that plans can change, but to effectively manage our schedule and respect the time of our therapists and patients, we require notification of cancellation at least 24 hours in advance. This policy allows us to offer your appointment slot to another patient who is in need of therapy. Please be aware that insurance companies do not cover fees for late cancellations or missed appointments. As such, any charges incurred for not meeting our cancellation requirements will be the responsibility of the patient and cannot be billed to insurance. We value both your health and our therapists' time, striving to provide the best care while also maintaining a viable practice. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding in adhering to these policies, which ensure that we can continue to serve all our patients effectively.

Within 24 Hours

Should you need to cancel or reschedule with less than 24 hours' notice, a cancellation fee of $50 will be charged. This fee compensates our therapists for their reserved time and must be settled before your next appointment can be booked.

Within 4 hours

Should you need to cancel with less than 4 hours' notice, you will be charged the full price of the appointment, as it is unlikely we will be able to fill your scheduled time on such short notice.

No-Show Policy

No-shows are not acceptable under any circumstances. A no-show occurs when a patient fails to arrive for a scheduled appointment without prior notification or if the notification is significantly delayed (more than 15 minutes after the scheduled start time of their appointment). No-shows are not acceptable under any circumstances as they disrupt our ability to manage our therapists’ schedules effectively and deprive other patients of potential treatment opportunities. In the event of a no-show: All of your upcoming appointments will be canceled immediately. We will require direct communication to address the situation and discuss potential rebooking. If we must initiate contact due to your absence without prior notification, this will also be treated as a no-show. We take these policies seriously because they help us respect our therapists' time and maintain a schedule that benefits all patients. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in ensuring that all appointments are either attended on time or canceled with adequate notice.

Sunday Closed
Monday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM
Friday 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM